Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Robbing Peter to pay Costas, Pedro and David and his cronies

Well, what a state we seem to have got ourselves into. 

The Eurozone is collapsing and still countries ask for bail outs which the mandarins in Brussels seem fit to approve. So, not being a monitarist, financiaer or banker, can someone explains what happens if the monetary system known as the Euro collapses, howw do we get our money back?

These small financially crippled countries aren't silly are they? Get in now, borrow stacks and then when it all goes belly up hope that it all gets written off. It might be simplistic and wrong for me to jump to a conclusion like this, but isn't it exactly what the worldwide banking system has already done to start and roll out this mess: lend too much money to people who can't afford to pay all or any of it back and then go into meltdown?

I hate bankers, ever since Thatcher's days of 'me,me,me, self,self.self, greed,greed,greed', it's been the same bunch of no-hopers with an exaggerated sense of self-worth; many still wet behind the ears playing with our money and lives as if the only thing that truly mattered was themselves; not giving a flying fuck for the masses or the misery that trails in the wake of the cretinous futures trader, hedge fund analyst or corporate sleaze bag.

Now it's made all the worse by a Government of similar no-hopers, born of Thatcher's DNA, supported in their crimes by a bunch of parasitic symbiots in the form of Clegg's Clowns. Nick Clegg, there is one man who should go down in history with a head forever bowed for the shame that he has inflicted on the UK by his greed for power, or in truth just to be next to the seat of power. The man is little more than a cheap whore, willing to sell his arse as well as his principles and country for a sniff around the balls of the top dog that is Cameron.

And all the time they dress it up as if it's the fault of the masses, too many immigrants, too many people claiming benefits, too many people getting old, too many wanting access to the pensions they paid into, too many wanting access to medical treatment, too many........well, just too many poor people in reality......seems to me though that far too many of the few who live in a Danny Boyle utopian dream of a green and pleasent land get the better deal when compared with the poor sods who have to scrap a living or fight the system for a fair deal or those who simply try to get by without complaining.

Cameron, now's the time to get off your fat arse and work for this country and the people who make it, not the stinking scumbags who fucked it up and continue to fuck it up. 

Remember the Big Society and 'we're all in it together', I don't see you up to your neck in shit like many.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Dr Liam Fox up.

So, he's finally resigned. Why the wait?

Because, like the rest oif this contemptable coalition Government he is a duplicitous liar and charlatan who simply is in it for little more than himself and what he can screw out of us, the rest of the Country. He wasn't palying the honourable game, he was just trying to get away with it, hoping it would blow over quickly and enough to allow him to slink back into the warm dark hole that he seems to frequent.

How many trips did he go on with his 'best' mate? Too many in my book, because we were the mugs paying for it one way or another.

I've no problem if one man wants to go on holiday with another man, if that is their inclination or bent, I have no problem with a business man taking along a partner or friend if it doesn't affect me or mine or cost me in some way. But this is a senior politician, a man of the Government who is supposed to represent me [and you], whatever he does that smacks of lying, deceit or decpetion he does against me [and you].

Like the rest of the shits in this sham full, shameful coalition they are only in it for one reason themselves.No more sleaze and corruption? Sorry Mr Cameron, you'll have to pull the other one a bit harder.

"Labour left us with a huge debt and you must tighten your belts to allow us to save you from the horrible Labour party doing it to you all over again".......Lies! all of it, the debt may have been there but it doesn't seem to stop this coalition from finding money whenever they need it to suit their contemptable purposes.

"Gordon Brown and Labour created this recession".......No they didn't it was a world-wide recession and every country was/is going through it, of course the Coalition shits publicly recognise that now.Why? Because, they can't get us out of it.... and just like Liam Fox they have to finally have to deal with the fact that they lied.

Good riddence to bad rubbish, the sooner the rest go down the same path the better.

Friday, May 20, 2011

RIP Jeffery Catherine Jones

A great artist who died today.
He was the co-founder and member of 'The Studio' collective of artists along with Mike Kulata, Barry Windsor-Smith and Bernie Wrightson. They were/are probably some of the most influential artists of their times but in terms of the so-called art establishment they were also hugely critically under-ratednot only as artists but as influencing artists and essentially developing 'The Studio' into a school of art style and technique.

I'm lucky enough to have some of JCJ's artwork, I will look at it tonight and raise a glass to a very talented artist, who's work and influence will live on.

RIP Jeffery Catherine Jones

Pat Kent

© Pat Kent 2011 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author 2011

Friday, May 06, 2011

50 years of manned spaceflight
If you've read some of my previous posts you will know that I am a fan of the band Jethro Tull as well as being a bit of a comic art buff who's fasicnated by space travel and human endeavour in that field.

So, following on from my last post, and using my latest toys and fascination for video editing here's my small tribute to the American manned space programme in the 50th year of manned spaceflight, coupled with Tull's 'For Michael Collins. Jeffrey and Me', a song which has always interested me in its presentation of what must be one of the lonliest moments for any individual in human history.

The video extracts taken from the TV Drama 'Moonshot' and others pieces of news film.

It's dedicated to Michael Collins, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin and the first solo astronauts and cosmonauts, it's inspired by youtube poster and Tull fan 'whitershadeofpale' [Kevin] for his great video montages and to Tull for producing one of my favourite pieces of music.

I did it for the Tull chat board at www.thejethrotullboard.proboards.com

Hope you enjoy watching and listening to it as much as I enjoyed putting it together from the various masterful film and audio elements that make it.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

50 years ago, a solitary Russian sat aloft what could best be described as a missile with a human warhead. What he did exploded the world we lived in up to that time.

Yuri Gagarin became the first human to fully orbit the earth in a man-made spacecraft. Because he was Russian and the world was in the depths of an east-west cold-war, his journey sparked fear, global war theories and probably the greatest adventure man was ever to embark upon.

I was 5 years old when Gagarin went into space, it didn't matter to me whether he was Russian or not, it sparked my imagination and my love of 'space'. I grew up in the 'space race' years and consumed every bit of it, from the world of my astronaut heroes through fanastic science fiction and even tales of aliens and UFO's.

These men and women space travellers were real heroes, pioneers and explorers who took our knowledge to new arenas and who were taking the human race to new realms.

If only we had politicians with foresight and that sort of courage now to see what that potential could bring to a drab, gray world full of strife and little hope.

Our world needs adventure, it needs explorers, it needs to journey out beyond it's small, blue home. We need to expand our place in the universe.

I've said it before, but my thanks to Gagarin and all those who preceded him and those that followed for making my world full of their adventure. If only the current crop of weak-willed politicians that are killing the space programme had their spirit, courage and detemination; if they had, we would already be standing on Mars and looking to our next goal.

Instead we sit in the gutter and stare at the stars, such a shame, when we could be amongst them.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Living in a material world.

I was recently reading the blog of a famous musician, no names, but he ain't going to write any blogs for awhile...when I came across a link to his "girlfriend's blog. I thought I'd check it out and I was amazed to read this....

"We now have the following guests booked for Sunday Leeds Festival. EELS, THE FLAMING LIPS and ROSE HILL DRIVE. Its very exciting. Watched some of the footage that Justin has been shooting. It's really good. I've decided that when we have finished the guitar lottery, i am going to go to New Orleans myself and oversee some of the building work. I'm hoping that i might even be able to go there before, perhaps when we are touringthe States. i want to build a school with a large arts and musicdepartment. I'm hoping that we will be able to get sponsorship for the actual building work and labour, so that all the money raised can be used buying equipment for the school. So, onwards and upwards."
Now, I've got no problem with rich muso's playing charitable benefactors, No problems with them telling us what the lives of the rich and famous are like [Well, to be honest I do, especially when they try to preach or try to promote their vacuous opinions on the masses or even worse, their girlfrinds vacuous opinions.] I can just about tolerate it when rock star wants to become an actor, or a soap star wants to be in a boy-band. However, I do take great exception when they seem to think that they can do real jobs in real places dealing with real events.
To highlight my case in point consider the line taken from the above. "I AM going to New Orleans myself to OVERSEE some of the building work."

Excuse my language, but WHO the fuck does this woman think she is. She might be able to play a guitar or a piano, she might be able to satisfy her boyfriend enough to pay for her whims, she might be able to spend vast quantities of cash on clothes [and then resell them on E-bay....including a rabbit skin jacket..but don't tell Chrissie Hynde about that one], but I bet my bottom dollar that she cannot oversee building work.

Not only do I doubt that she has the British qualifications to do it, I am as sure as hell certain she doesn't posess the American ones.

What a pompous and arrogant woman. Her comment undermines the huge amount of hard, and largely unrecognised, work that is undertaken by ordinary people. No doubt when she goes out there, accompanied by a photographer, she'll be wearing a nice pair of Manola Blahnik shoes and a pretty [expensive]Prada outfit to go with her shiny designer hard hat with her name on it, just in case no-one knows who she is [not that would make any difference].

If she really wanted to help and do the people of New Orleans a favour she'd head in the opposite direction, go spend a lifetime on a beach somewhere away from the real world and real people, leave sorting messy stuff out to people who know how to do it. stick with what or more precisely "who" you know.

The reason why I get pissed over such things?

These people really are living in another world. They haven't had to work for their status, they think they can buy into things and then walk away anthinking that the world must pay them respect. Oh, and by the way, I'm a qualified Engineer, and I know what what it takes to do this sort of work. Go out and use your pretty little smile and posh frock to draw attention to the problem if you really have to, but don't think that you could oversee real work of any sort.

Pat K
June 2006. © Pat Kent 2006 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Opening gambit....
Actually, it seems a bit weird doing this, My mate, Nix, and I were chatting about blogging and possibly setting up a weblog to question and challenge a few of the ludicrous things that happen in this world. Add to that the fact that I wanted some vehicle to display my artwork, both my own, adapted, as well as the original work I’ve collected by other artists over the years, and I sort of ended up with my own web site. But even having a diiray page on that didn't really address the blogging issue.
The entries in the website diary, are likely to be pretty varied and may seem more of a stream of unconsciousness rather than consciousness to many. They didn't tackle the stuff Nix and I
talked about over a pint or two in the Hare and Billet in Blackheath. On the website the entries veer off into the wild, wacky and sometimes contentious, but they don't appear challenging enough to me, hence this blog.
The inspiration behind doing this originally was Bono, or more precisely Bono’s hat. Is there anything more ludicrous in this world than a court case about a hat?......Probably......but it seemed more than ludicrous enough over a pint or two in the Hare & Billet to stimulate this. In reality it was my mate, Nix, who sort of threw down the gauntlet of getting the weblog up and running. I hope I can persuade him to put a few thoughts up on these pages as well; Also, I hope to get little Bro, Matt, and his mate Steve R to provide some input as well, I hope they will also see fit to want to post the odd thing as well.
Pat K
June 2006. © Pat Kent 2006 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author.